My name is João Filipe Monteiro Carreira, PhD degree in Electronic Engineering.

My journey start in Instituto Politécnico de Leiria where I graduated in Electrichal and Electronics Engineering and I started as a researcher for the Instituto de Telecomunicações - Leiria Branch in 2008. I collaborated in different projects and research activities, mainly focused on efficient video coding and robust streaming. I was awarded the PhD degree in the area of multimedia communication and video processing at Loughborough University London in December 2018 for my research on efficient error resilience and error concealment techniques for the multimedia services based on High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard. I continued as a research assistant in the ARoundVision (All aRound panoramic Vision for smart and secure environments) which aims at developing low complexity scalable coding algorithms for the panoramic and omni-directional video delivery. My research interests also include 2D/3D video compression and transmission, subjective and objective quality evaluation under error-prone conditions and error resilience and concealment.

As of 2021 I changed my focus from video to audio and I joined the Sound Particles team, where I found a very enthusiastic team working on groundbreaking software that is able to create realistic and complex soundscapes at a distance of a few clicks. With a background in telecommunications and signal processing, I am helping the team developing new DSP tools to include in the next generation audio software. As my experience with audio grow I started working on audio plugins (VST/AU/AAX) for spatial and 3D audio with my main accomplishing being SkyDust, a full fledged 3D synthesizer.

In my spare time and as a contribution to my research work I start developing, as a team effort, an open-source video player based on Qt framework Calyp, which aims at easing the task of researchers in the field of video and image processing. It includes several image analysis tools and provides easy interaction with wide known libraries as FFmpeg and Opencv which expand its functionality. As a Gentoo Linux user I become very enthusiastic about Open-Source software and collaborative work. It allowed me to expand my knowledge about Linux systems and improved my problem-solving skills, as well as, increased my curiosity to investigate new topics regarding software developing, computer hardware and network systems.

I also like to collaborate in local communities and since 2012 I am member of the management board of Centro Recreativo da Rebolaria (Batalha, Leiria), which help me develop my soft-skills such as organization, management and team work.

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